Jackson County Sheriff
Paul Hays
Having had a long and versatile career in law enforcement with the Kentucky State Police for nearly 25 years, 10 years with Operation UNITE and three years with Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, I have learned that you treat folks the way you want to be treated.
I take a strong interest in every case. I don’t just sit in the office; I lead by example. I work cases, holidays, and night shifts and serve out in the field. When leading staff you must be upfront with them, and if you make a promise – you keep it. They have to believe what you say is what you mean. I encourage staff to be good parents, good officers, and to get involved in civic organizations, their churches, schools, and community events and blend into society. They need to be a part of the community they live in and be the best they can be.
We should learn from past experiences as we seek to improve. We should communicate with county and state leaders. Address small problems before they escalate and make sure the public knows to trust us as we serve them. There are drug issues in every county, but you can work with Operation UNITE and other drug-investigating organizations to combat that problem.